Monday, April 15, 2013

Spelman Focuses Time, Attention and Dollars on Wellness

College sport is a very lucrative business but there must be an investment to see much anticipated return.  A year ago the board of Spelman College approve a decision to disband the colleges' participation in NCAA-level sports.  Some of the $900K that has been invested in supporting sports teams will be reallocated to fund a college wellness program.

This is a bold move by the college president and one that should be recognized and applauded.  I am a fan of organized sports but watching the worsening trend in obesity among African-American women made me recognize that this change can potentially impact the lives of the 2000 students matriculated at Spelman College and not just the 80 who participate in sponsored sports programs.  Only time will tell if this investment will yield the potentially positive benefits on graduates and indirectly on society.


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